Category Archives: France – Champagne

Harvest in Champagne

These following pictures have been done in a Champagne vineyard, during the 2014 harvest. This producer raises some Chardonnay white grapes, in a 17 ha vineyard. The village is on the ‘Grand Cru’ appellation, only 2 % of the Champagne villages have the best ‘Grand Cru’ appellation. Champagnes are ‘Blanc de Blancs’, it means they are only made with Chardonnay white grapes (no Pinot Noir, and no Pinot Meunier, both red grapes). Area of ‘Côtes des Blancs’ is one of the best area in Champagne. It’s near ‘Epernay’, a small city which is the capital of Champagne.

Chardonnay White grapes, during the harvest in Champagne 'Grand Cru' Area
Chardonnay White grapes, during the harvest in Champagne ‘Grand Cru’ Area
Presentation of the fresh Chardonnay grapes, before being pressed for making Champagne
Presentation of the fresh Chardonnay grapes, before being pressed for making Champagne
In front of the big barrels, making a high quality Champagne, 'Grand Cru Blanc de Blancs'
In front of the big barrels, making a high quality Champagne, ‘Grand Cru Blanc de Blancs’

‘Premier Cru’ Champagne small Producer

Great time with this champagne producer, located in the Premier Cru area of Champagne, in France. I visited all the facilities of the cooperative that owns the winemaking equipment and produce wines of great quality. All is very clean and they do extremely serious work in this village of Champagne Premier Cru.

The wines are made at 90% of black grapes and 10% white grapes. The black grapes provide a very fruity wine, while white grapes are used to provide better care in the long term.

Dégustation des Champagnes Premiers Crus
Premier Cru Champagne tasting in the company of Producer
La cave coopérative où sont vinifiés la plupart des champagnes du village
La  The cooperative winery where are vinified most Champagnes of the village producers.
Les pressoirs vus du dessus, utilisés pendant les vendanges
Les Presses viewed from above, used during the harvest.
Visite des installations
Le The underside of the presses, where the white juice springs.
Les cuves géantes ultra modernes
Giant vats, ultra modern!
Toujours les cuves, avec système de régulation thermique nouvelle génération
Always tanks with new thermal control system generation
Les barriques de vieillissement des meilleures cuvées
The barrel for the best vintages
L'ancienne méthode de tournage
The old method of turning bottles
Les nouvelles machines pour le tournage, plus rapides, 5 jours au lieu de 15 jours, et meilleures performances
The new machines for turning bottles, faster, 5 days instead of 15 days, and better performance.
Quelques stocks de champagnes !
Some stocks of Champagne…
L'ancien pressoir
Old presses!